• PSI EnergyLab

    Innovating technologies & focusing on future trends

Design the future of energy supply together

The digitization of the Energy Transition is equally driven by legal requirements and new technologies. PSI supports customers in achieving the greatest possible optimization by using analysis and AI methods. For example, our current products already include special functions for optimized infeed of renewable energy and for the integration of charging stations. New business models can also be developed on this basis, such as control of energy purchases of large consumers.



We are researching the following topics:

Forecasts for loads and renewable infeeds

Network loads and infeeds of renewable energy are forecast with machine learning and neural networks. These are used as important input data for look-ahead network calculations. This allows mastering the future network management requirements efficiently and securely, already today.

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Network status assessment for transmission system operators

The management of ultra-high and high voltage networks is becoming increasingly complex. In particular volatile infeeds, the reduction of large power plant capacity, and the primarily market-driven electricity transmission pose major demands on control center staff and the utilized tools. With PSIsaso, the Security Assessment and System Optimization system, PSI now provides a tool to network operators which allows simple and concentrated assessment of the network state while issuing a proposal for solving the detected findings.

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GLDPM - Standardized data exchange for the future of the European energy supply

Capacity calculation based on a standardized procedure for the electricity traded on the day-ahead and intra-day markets requires data exchange across networks. From today's point of view,  a transparent Europe-wide overview is vital.The "Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology" (GLDPM) defines the general conditions for this purpose.

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PSIsaso/DSO 2.0 - Data exchange with investment protection

For the realization of the requirements associated with the Generation and Load Data Provi-sion Methodology (GLDPM), it is necessary to expand existing control systems and to add new components. For this purpose, PSI has developed PSIsaso/DSO 2.0 which provides you with a modular, expandable, and therefore future-proof solution.

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OpenInterface - Speaking the same language

As of yet, no standard interfaces for control systems have been established for connecting advanced functions of other manufacturers. We have linked up with the control system ma-nufacturers IDS and KISTERS to do just that because customers increasingly demand in-teroperable solutions to connect systems. In addition to the basic SCADA functionality, the utility companies often require additional modules for special solutions in order to better op-timize their network operations.

OpenInterface combines the know-how and the expertise of the participants in order to defi-ne architectures, interfaces, and formats based on the international CIM standards IEC 61970 and 61968.

This allows standardized import of data from GIS systems into control systems regardless of the actual systems installed by the distribution system operators.

Then the results are testing in realistic use cases. Interested users can use the basic interfaces free of charge for testing purposes. The results of the joint research will be used in the stan-dards committees in order to develop an industry standard.

... for better interoperability between control systems


Process IT in the age of cyber security

The Energy Transition is strongly based on the massive use of ICT and cannot be realized without it. The resulting increased dependency on their availability is reason enough to ap-propriately secure the control and telecommunication systems which are required to operate the energy supply networks.

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IoT and Industry 4.0 for energy supply companies

The system elements (assets) in energy distribution networks such as transformers, switch-gear, and transmission powerlines require significant capital expenses. Extending the operation by months or even years is a major tool to save cost. Industry 4.0 will provide major benefits for exactly this aspect.

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As an innovative software manufacturer, we are involved in various research projects.

With our solutions adapted to the ever-changing market requirements, our customers are achieving productivity improvements between 5% and 20%.